MACP Positions
CACP Position, adopted by the MACP on November 28, 2024
Statement: Decriminalization for Simple Possession of Illicit Drugs
As a result of the experience in British Columbia associated to the January 2023 three-year exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act that decriminalized the possession of small amounts of certain illicit drugs for personal use in British Columbia, the CACP Board no longer supports the decriminalization of any amount of illicit drugs for personal use.
Since the exemption came into effect, police have witnessed trends of concern, including a continued high rate of opioid overdose deaths as well as growing fear among law-abiding community members due to public drug use and drug-related criminal activity.
While robust, evidence-based healthcare, addiction, and social programs are vital, drug enforcement remains an essential tool to address the public safety risks linked to illicit drug use. Beyond mitigating drug-related crime, police-led enforcement can serve as a gateway to treatment through pre-charge/post-charge diversion and judicially supervised treatment programs for individuals in need of critical medical and social services.
The CACP’s leadership strongly urges the Federal Government to collaborate with provinces to adopt a comprehensive systems-based approach. This should include significantly expanding inpatient care as well as improving access to effective and sustainable treatment and social services programming that ensures individuals who require essential mental health and addictions care receive immediate and ongoing assistance.
We call on the Federal Government to reconsider its current approach and to engage law enforcement, healthcare providers, and community stakeholders in developing more effective mental health and addictions solutions. Protecting the safety and well-being of all Canadians must remain the highest priority.
There is a large body of evidence illustrating the effectiveness of Supervised Consumption Sites in achieving a number of health and social objectives, especially when impacted people are offered access to integrated health and social services. While the MACP recognizes the value of this harm reduction approach, there remains multiple issues of concern such as the need for safe supply, and lack of community consultation/dispute resolution processes; there is also some evidence that an identified risk of neighbourhood degradation and other social challenges are possible in areas containing, or close to, Supervised Consumption Sites.
Therefore, at this point, subject to further study specific to requirements in Manitoba, The MACP does not support supervised consumption sites. However, if mandated, the MACP maintains that supervised consumption sites should be a local community decision that involves the police of jurisdiction and health services as part of the site approval process.
“The Manitoba Association of Chiefs of Police supports all government initiatives that help make Manitobans safe. That said, the recent announcement from the federal government in relation to supporting municipalities that want to pass handgun restrictions may be of limited value. Canada currently has significant restrictions and prohibitions on handguns and it is uncertain at this point how municipal bylaws would make the current laws more effective. We will keep an open mind however and will participate in any municipal or Provincial initiatives if asked.”
The Manitoba Association of Chiefs of Police supports the use of body-worn cameras/computers as a viable solution to address transparency, quality of evidence, the disclosure process, and safety issues related to front-line police officers. While there does not appear to be conclusive evidence to date to show that body cameras decrease violent incidents with police, there are substantive other benefits associated with increased public trust and confidence that significantly support the use of this technology. Cost and privacy issues continue to evolve but must be given due deliberation when considering the use of, and policy development for body-worn cameras/computers.
Today, the Manitoba Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP) is making a public plea to the provincial government to immediately include police officers as a priority group within the vaccination roll-out plan.
Throughout this pandemic, police officers across the province have worked to ensure the safety and security of all Manitobans. For police officers, much like other first-responders, their front-line work never stopped.
In the early days of the pandemic, when little was known about the virus and personal protective equipment was in short supply, these officers continued to carry-out their critical duties. They did so, not only because of their sworn duty to protect but also because they care deeply about the communities they serve and the wellbeing of the people of Manitoba.
The fear of contracting COVID-19 is real for police officers as their work regularly brings them into confined spaces and close contact with a number of people. This concern remains ever-present. On a daily basis, our members attend private residences, vehicle collisions, and crime scenes. They respond to individuals in medical distress, transport patients to medical help, make life-saving efforts including the performance of CPR, trauma first aid, delivery of Naloxone, and the like. They intervene in situations where individuals may be severely intoxicated, badly injured, or violent. They do not have the opportunity to socially distance during these interactions. On every shift, our frontline officers face a significant risk of exposure to COVID-19.
And our concern is not solely about our officers contracting the virus, but also unknowingly becoming carriers, and potentially spreading it to the most vulnerable segments of our society. On a daily basis, officers work closely with the elderly, people experiencing homelessness and those suffering from drug or alcohol dependencies. The MACP is aware of multiple instances where officers provided CPR to persons who were later confirmed to be COVID-19 positive.
For the RCMP and the Manitoba First Nations Police Service, their officers work and live in many remote and isolated First Nation communities. Often, these officers are required to attend calls and provide essential policing services to multiple remote communities. While every precaution is taken, there is always a potential for an officer to spread the virus. The emergence of virus variants makes this risk doubly concerning.
While Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization statement (NACIs guidance) on the COVID-19 vaccine, states that “Many essential services (e.g. police, firefighters, food production) cannot be provided virtually, potentially leading to an increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Immunizing essential workers minimizes the disproportionate burden of those taking on additional risks to maintain services essential for the functioning of society.” Regretfully, not all provinces (including Manitoba) have opted to follow the NACI guidelines.
The MACP has been a strong supporter of every action taken by MB Public Health to protect lives during the pandemic, including the roll-out of the vaccination plan. There is no doubt that we need to make sure that the most vulnerable are taken care of first. But then we also need to make sure that those who protect them are protected from the virus as well.
We strongly believe the time has come for the provincial vaccination plan to prioritize police officers. This has been done in other provinces and it must be done here. With the new variants now spreading, officers must be vaccinated so that they can continue to provide their critical service to the people of Manitoba, and so that the people they serve can stay safe.
We are urging the provincial government to help our police officers and to help keep our communities and our most vulnerable safe.
MACP President Marc Robichaud and Executive Board
For further information please contact:
Gord Schumacher
September 14, 2021
MACP statement – Mandatory vaccination of police officers and the enforcement of vaccination passports
Vaccination of police officers
The MACP supports the government and public health direction that vaccination is the most effective tool to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and its variants, and that everyone who is medically able to do so be vaccinated, including police officers.
Enforcement of vaccination passports
Over the past year and a half, police services across the country have been steadfast in supporting logistical, public health, and public safety efforts to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
While the volume of some types of crime and calls for service may have decreased due to pandemic lockdown and related restrictions, there is a notable increase in other areas such as domestic violence, organized crime, drug overdoses, pandemic-related fraud, etc. Additionally, as businesses, services and public spaces began to reopen, crime began to rise again.
The focus of police agencies across Canada must center on addressing criminal activity. It is important for police leaders to dedicate police resources to the work that only the police can do.
Policing involves striking an appropriate balance between the individual and personal freedoms of Canadians with the concept of social order and the general public good. The MACP believes in policing in partnership with the community and building better relationships with the citizens we serve. [1]
That said, police agencies across Manitoba have committed and will continue to commit the resources required to eradicate the spread and negative effect of COVID-19 which includes providing education and awareness as well as through the enforcement of the Public Health Orders.
[1] Part of this statement was adopted from the CACP announcement issued on September 14, 2021
CACP Statement: Canada’s police leaders welcome and support Bill C-48 on bail reform
The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) welcomes and supports Bill C-48 calling for legislative amendments to the Criminal Code related to Canada’s bail system. The proposed amendments align with the calls to action put forward by Canada’s police leaders.
We commend the federal government for acting on the urgency for legislative change and for recognizing that our proposed amendments were not calling for a complete overhaul of Canada’s bail system, but rather changes that are specifically aimed at keeping violent and repeat offenders who pose the greatest threat to public and officer safety from being released into the community while they await trial.
We are pleased to see that Bill C-48 gives far greater weight to a suspect’s criminal history when bail and sentencing matters are considered. While we would have recommended that a suspect’s full criminal history be contemplated, rather than just going back five years, the government has built in a review process in the next five years that will allow for an evidence-based and legislative review to address any remaining issues related to public safety.
We also applaud the initiative to not only implement reverse-onus bail conditions for serious violent offences involving a weapon, but for expanding these provisions to offences involving intimate partner violence.
We are convinced that the legislative changes put forth in Bill C-48 will go a long way to help eliminate the preventable harm and senseless tragedies attributable to violent and repeat offenders across Canada.
Click here to download the CACP statement.